The team at Kinnon are passionate supporters of The Hunger Project and have been for many years. What we love about their work is that they see people living in hunger as the solution, not the problem. Through their programs such as education, microfinance, agriculture and health, they empower people with the skills, knowledge and resources they need to break the poverty cycle themselves.
To date, and with your help, Kinnon’s contribution of $1 per sale and 50% of the proceeds of our THP x Kinnon card holders has provided the opportunity for 210 microfinance loans and financial literacy training to women in their focus countries. These initiatives empower them to make change.
As we all know, the pandemic has affected the world over. One of the hardest hit countries has been India with over 350,000 thousand deaths. Our incredible friends at THP are helping to create a COVID-safe future for these communities through empowering their 550,000 trained local leaders to implement immediate and long term COVID-19 measures, by investing in people who are making an impact in India and across the world.
Whilst so many are doing it tough, if you do have the means to support THP's campaign, every little bit helps. There are two easy ways to do so:
1. Visit THP to donate directly to the campaign. Select your investment amount and this amount will be doubled by fellow THP supporters, Academy Face and Body.
2. For the month of June, our THP x Kinnon card holder range will see 100% of the proceeds go directly to support this campaign (usually 50%). Treat yourself and stock up for friends, family and colleagues! Click here to shop now.
Thanks #kinnonsquad, let's see what we can do.
With love + gratitude, Beth & the team at Kinnon x
Image: Beth Richards, Kinnon's Founder + Creative Director with the THP x Kinnon collection